Health Canada Mesh Warning

Health Canada Issues Mesh Warning In 2014

After Australia’s ban last week, Mesh victims around the globe watch Scotland and the UK with excitement in the anticipation that the practice of using mesh to treat pelvic organ prolapse will be permanently banned, women in Canada are wondering when will it be Canada’s turn to ban mesh implants? 

Health Canada’s Mesh Warning Issued In 2014

Despite Health Canada’s Mesh Warning issued on May 13, 2014, mesh implants are STILL being installed. This is utterly preposterous. Without any reservation, Dr. Sean Deacon in Chilliwack, B.C., installed an implant in this writer on September 10, 2015. Now, this writer is being stabbed internally by mesh as well as a slew of other complications.

Why have Dr. Deacon, as well as other doctors and surgeons practicing in Canada, not bothered to inform their patients of the Health Canada warning? Why have they not made other recommendations that do not involve surgery?

Please help bring awareness to this issue by sharing this post, by sharing this website, and by filling out the MEDICAL DEVICE CONSUMER COMPLAINT with HEALTH CANADA. Without people reporting their trauma, Health Canada will NOT make a recall. You need to use your voice and let them know ALL that has been happening to you or your loved one since the mesh implant.

Please visit the electronic complaint form here:

Thank you for sharing!

Reporting Mesh

Report Mesh Issues To Health Canada

If you or someone you love is facing health issues after a mesh hernia or transvaginal mesh implant operation, please report as much information, including manufacturer, as you can to Health Canada so that we can try to get MESH BANNED IN CANADA.

Health Canada has issued WARNINGS about the use of mesh but have NOT issued a RECALL or BAN at this time. The only way that will happen is if YOU report issues.


Thank you for your help!